imagining a electron inside nuclei

  1. CAN ELECTRON EXIST IN NUCLEI???????????                                                                                                                                 let assume that an electron exist in nuclei                                        radius of atom is nearly 1 angstrom(A)                                          radius of nuclei is nearly1 fermi(F)                                                  we don't know where the electron is exactly available inside thenuclei so we    need to apply Heisenberg  uncertainity principle                           we can say that uncertainity of electron will be +1 fermi or         -1fermi   (this is uncertainity in position )                                                                                                                                                     now apply uncertainity principle    dx X dp = h/4丌                       on solving this equation we will approximatily get dv=5*10000000000m/sec (uncertainity in velocity)                                 now guys this velocity is greater than the velocity of light which not possible according to Einstein's theory of relativity thus electron can never exist in nuclei this is the solid proof given by werner heisenberg.


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